
Pre-therapy Assessment

£35 | Up to 50 minutes

All counselling journeys start with a Pre-therapy Assessment. Payable beforehand, you’ll be sent an e-payment link once we’ve agreed the date and time of your appointment.

Counselling Session

50 minutes

£75 | Individual

£100 | Couples

Regular weekly or fortnightly Listening Space or Open Space sessions. Booked for the same day and time each week or fortnight. Payable by card at the time your session takes place, or e-payment link beforehand.

Flexi-bundle Sessions

Six 50-minute sessions

£450 | Individual

£600 | Couples

Flexible Listening Space, Open Space or Digital Space sessions bookable whenever you feel you need to talk. Entire bundle payable beforehand via e-payment link. < Learn More >

Digital Space Sessions

£75 | 50 minutes

Regular weekly or fortnightly online sessions booked for the same time each week or fortnight. Payable a minimum of 48 hours beforehand via e-payment link.